Driving Legal, Inc.

The Freedom to Thrive!

Our mission

Driving Legal, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting individuals facing challenges related to driver's license reinstatement, SR-22 assistance, court fees, and BMV reinstatement issues. Our mission is to empower individuals with the resources and guidance needed to overcome legal obstacles hindering their ability to drive legally and responsibly.

Our goal

At the heart of our mission lies a profound commitment to dismantling the financial obstacles that prevent individuals from securing a valid driver's license, a fundamental step towards enhancing public safety.

Our initiative goes beyond mere assistance; it's about fostering a transformative impact on the community. By eliminating these barriers, we're not just facilitating legal driving; we're opening doors to employment opportunities, thereby empowering culturally sensitive and low-income families towards a future filled with possibilities.

Our program is tailored to guide our clients through the intricacies of maintaining a legal driving status, ensuring they are equipped with the knowledge and support needed.


We can create safer roads and stronger communities. Driving Legal, Inc. is committed to breaking down barriers preventing individuals from legally driving. By offering a range of services and support, we aim to empower individuals to overcome challenges and regain their driving privileges responsibly.

The Problem


A lack of resources

A lack of resources and limited income are primary factors contributing to illegal driving. These constraints often force individuals to operate vehicles without proper licensing or registration.

Limited Opportunities

Communities in decline often struggle with economic hardships, including a lack of income and employment opportunities, by the increased difficulty of finding reliable transportation.

Mental Health

A lack of income and transportation often results in a decrease in mental health among these individuals.

Bad Credit Scores

These issues, such as child support, noncompliance, and judgment suspensions, often decrease an individual's credit score and remain on their credit for years, making it difficult to ever recover.

Excessive Fees

Court and legal fees such as: SR-22 Bonds, high risk insurance, and excessive reinstatement fees can add up quickly when dealing with a lack of income and employment.

The Solution: Educate, Empower and Encourage individuals to ask for help.


Income & Employment Opportunities

By creating Driving Legal, Inc., we are enabling clients with the resources and help needed to find new job opportunities.

Mental Health Awareness & Resources

Creating solutions to clients' issues will relieve a huge amount of stress and ultimately help increase mental health.

Improve Credit Scores

Getting ahead now will prevent future issues with one's credit score, preventing them from future endeavors and housing opportunities.

Limit Excessive Fees

The goal is to help limit and prevent excessive fees that can be avoided with proper knowledge and education.

Driving Legal, Inc.

Removing judgment and creating a safe space for impoverished community members to seek help and assistance.

Find a way to bridge the knowledge gap around driving legally.

Educate the general public on what is needed to drive legally and remain a valid driver.

Removing judgment and creating a safe space for impoverished community members to seek help and assistance.

Get in touch,

Schedule an appointment to start driving legally today.
 Vist us in person: 538 S. Yearling Rd. Suite 102 Whitehall, OH 43213
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